(SIT-4) Slosson Intelligence Test-4th Edition
(SIT-4) Slosson Intelligence Test-4th Edition
From $69.75
To $596.75
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About This Product
Now every professional can profile an individual’s mental ability using this quick, reliable screening measure of cognition for children and adults, including those who are visually impaired or blind. Used widely in schools, institutions, hospitals, and correctional facilities, the SIT-4 yields a Total Standard Score, charts category standard scores in the six subdomains tested, and compares ability to achievement; when GE scores are below expected achievement levels.
The test has been constructed so that the administration and scoring occur simultaneously, enabling the test to be given in a brief period of time. The SIT-4 is verbally administered, so it does not penalize individuals who are methodical, fearful, or have reading handicaps. Crystalized verbal intelligence has the highest overall correlation to mental ability, and is widely used to assess a range of abilities – from subjects who are gifted and talented to those with disabilities.