in Psychology
(Leiter-3) Leiter International Performance Scale, Third Edition
From $37.50
To $2,023.50
(MAQ) Maryland Addictions Questionnaire
From $28.00
To $400.00
(MSI-R) Marital Satisfaction Inventory, Revised
From $23.00
To $1,573.00
(NAS-PI) Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory
From $28.00
To $435.00
(PAI) Personality Assessment Inventory
From $56.00
To $1,235.00
(PBRS™) Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale
From $32.00
To $902.00
(PCRI) Parent-Child Relationship Inventory
From $26.00
To $1,275.00
(PDSS) Postpartum Depression Screening Scale
From $31.00
To $356.00
(PIC-2) Personality Inventory for Children, Second Edition
From $36.00
To $2,173.00
(PIY) Personality Inventory for Youth
From $29.00
To $2,667.00
(PSI-4) Parenting Stress Index, Fourth Edition
From $26.00
To $1,199.00
(PTONI) Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
From $56.00
To $493.00